Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The "Infinite and endless liar"

Scolding queen-- Isa/Jacob
Taffeta punk-- Aust/bills
Notable coward-- Joe/Laura
Unfeeling fool-- Hannah/Canaan
Rude despiser of good manners--Cassie/Thom da Brazilian
Infinite and endless liar--Katey/Rachel
Valiant flea-- Carina/maaa fooo

Ok. I realize I've been pretty lax with the posting lately. I am sorry. I will endeavor to make it up to you. :o)
This week I have a challenge for you! I would like it if you could all try to use your word in a positive way...which isn't to say you can't use it negatively, if you really wish to, but try using it positively. i.e. for the "valiant flea" try using it on a small, brave person.

We've all heard of "The boy who called wolf", and some of you have heard of "Matilda who told lies and was burned to death". ( It's a really amazing poem by Hilaire Belloc, ya'll should look it up! )

Randy The "Infinite and endless liar"

'Many stories start with 'once upon a time' or, 'Once, long ago in a far away kingdom' still others start with 'THE END!''

This was lie no. 123 of the day, and it was 4:30. Randy's first lie had been at exactly 12:03 a.m. His mother had come into his room and asked if he had been reading--'No!' he said with spite that belied his untruthfulness, 'why on earth would I be reading at this ungodly hour?!' 'Well,' said his mother 'I just thought I saw a light on up here.' 'I was just looking for my chap stick!' The fact that Randy didn't actually own lip balm of any kind, and that he had never (in his memory) used any seemed to escape his notice, but not that of his mother. 'Well,' she said with no small amount of deliberation 'you had better get some sleep. You have that really big test tomorrow morning.' 'I have no clue what you're even talking about! I DO NOT have a test of any kind tomorrow.' (fallacy 3! He had in fact 3 tests the next day, that he knew of, and two pop quizzes.)

Iwasn't t that Randy was really a bad person, on the contrary, he tried to be a good one. He tried to avoid hurtful lies, in fact most of his lies were rather pointless.
He simply joyed in twisting and turning the truth. He didn't see it as a bad thing, since he almost always told little white lies. It was a kind of hobby for him. While others spent hours each day practicing instruments, and playing sports, Randy lied.

...To be continued, maybe. ;)
P.s. "The boy who called wolf" and "Matilda" are *not* Shakespeare. ;)

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